#23: 2887 East Main Street
This building, built in 1939, was the Simmons’ Tailor and Clothing shop, owned by Steve Simmons. Later, Trim and Tidy Dry Cleaners were housed here. Inez Walbrandt also had a children’s shop here called “Wee Moderns”. Next came the office of Dr. Kohn, M.D. The building was later owned and operated by Dr. Armin Nyffeler, D.D.S., and his son Greg, before they moved their practice to the business park South of town.
#24: 2893 East Main Street
Built by Walter Dickerman around 1900-1915, and owned by Carl Gernard, this building was the site of Buick Auto Sales and Repair. The front was the showroom and office, and the East End had a tunnel-like passage that was used to drive into the back repair area. Trent Engineering was also located here at one time, with the Masonic Hall housed on the second floor. Parker Pen and Benchmark Manufacturing had a workspace in this building at one time. In recent years a software group also occupied this building, as well as J.T. Interiors/Go Floor It!, Traveltime Reservations, East Troy Tax Service and Lakeside Painters, Inc.
#25: South Division Street
The recent car sales lot on the corner of Division and Main Street was the earlier site of the Village Hall. Upstairs was the William Prasch residence, later to become the library. It was the meeting place for village officials and the court.
The village water tower once stood in the middle of this block. The village jail, with its two cells (mostly for inebriated souls) was on the corner of Austin and Division Streets. It also housed the fire equipment and the sprinkling wagon with its tank pump. James Crowley drove the team of horses that pulled the wagon while two men pumped the lever to create water pressure to sprinkle the streets to minimize dust. It was filled from the hydrant and was great attraction to children, who loved to walk behind it. A metal watering trough was provided for the horses, as well as the stanley steamers of the day. There were two other watering troughs on the North side of the Square and, of course, hitching posts all around the square.
#26: Corner of Austin and Division Streets
Jake and Ed Beyers had a harness and farm shop on this location. It was purchased later by Lacy and Clancey who sold Overland Automobiles. Then Byrnes Implements sold farm equipment. Later, it became a Ford dealership, and then Milbrath Farm Implements.
#27: 2115 South Division Street
This was a vacant lot used for storage of machinery owned by Lacy and Clancy. There may have been a blacksmith shop located here at one time. The East Troy Motors show rooms and offices were built in 1946. In 1949 a metal structure at the rear of the building was moved (to the Ken Pluess location on School Street), and the block structure was added for servicing automobiles. In May 1996 Steven Donaldson and David Kerr bought the building and use it as a repair shop.